Wednesday 5 December 2012

Rough Cut Feedback

The Rough Cut was shown to our media class in full and we then asked for their thoughts on all aspects of the cut. Here is the feedback:

The Good:
-The fish eye lens gave the video a creative edge and suited the genre of music exceptionally.
-The lip syncing and timing was spot on and never out of time.
- The lighting enhances the performance shots, the saturation of colour works well and enables the band members to stand out from the background.
-The varied use of camerawork stood out for some as they thought it gave the video more energy and gave the video a more interesting aspect visually.
-The fast paced editing matches the song in the correct areas, in particular the bridge and chorus.
-The opening drew the audience in and created a slow build up to the actual song.
-The narrative aspect of the light bulb received positive reactions also as many said it added a sense of humour into the video and kept the audience entertained.

The Not So Good (Areas for improvement)
-The footage of the live set had some interesting colours and provided an energetic aspect but was not in keeping with the lighting and quality of the rest of the video. This we will consider taking out or using elsewhere in our coursework.
-The Girl dancing to the song didn't feature much and many were curious and didnt understand why she was there. This we will hopefully expand on when we go out on our second shoot.
-There were possibly too many of the same shots used of the performances. This again we will balance out when we film our further ideas.

In general the comments received were extremely constructive and gave us confidence which we will carry on through to when we film the rest of the video. We will make adjustments to improve our video where the negative feedback instructed us to do so. This feedback has helped us to stay on track

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