Wednesday 5 December 2012

Rough Cut

Here is the rough cut footage of our music video we uploaded to YouTube. We've assembled all the footage from our first shoot into order to give us an idea of what the video looks like and what else needs to be done. We are very happy with the outcome so far, all our ideas have come together very fittingly and its all in keeping with the tempo. 
The opening sequence we have looped the guitar strumming and muffled it so that it appears the band are actually playing the garage as the camera pans and follows through. The chorus' work extremely well I feel where we have edited the four shots from each corner directly on the beat. The break in the song is where our idea that the bulb goes out and the lead singer taps it to get it working again, and thus the song continues. We will use a sound effect there to accentuate that and make it more realistic. 
The use of fish eye lens manages to fit the whole band in, also making the room feel even smaller and at times claustrophobic. This matches the lyrics and tones of the song appropriately.
The point of view shot from the drumstick gives the video an interesting visual as well as the views from the neck of the guitar looking down on the strums. The part of the video where the musicians are dancing we used different techniques such as pans and varied camera angles which make for an exciting illustration of that part of the song.
At the end of the video our idea is to use a reverb of guitar noises you would hear at the end of a live song, to enhance the realism of the performance. The shot from inside the fridge shows the band members relax with a beer, as if just finished playing the song. We shot it so that each beer would eventually go and the fridge door closes behind with a fade to black marking the end of the video.

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