Wednesday 5 December 2012

Problems Encountered

1. Organisation
The main issue we have found so far is that organising for all of us as well as the band to get together at one time, is very difficult. As everyone has commitments such as college and work, the availability of everyone at the same time, has been very minimal. To overcome this we have begun to plan with more time in advance, so that people are more available

2. Time Management 
Another thing we have struggled with is how effectively we manage our time. There have been occasions during lessons where we have been easily distracted and not made the most of the time we have to proactive. To counteract this, again we have started to plan more so that everyone in our group has a clear idea of what we need to achieve and when

Finally, editing has been a tricky process so far. Mostly we have found it difficult to get all of our clips properly in, so that the lip syncing is accurate and realistic. This is what we have been spending most of our time on recently, and through investing a lot of time into it and asking others if they think that it is accurate we have managed to fit the lip syncing in to a standard that we are all really pleased with

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