Wednesday 5 December 2012

Lighting Plan

During the filming of the performance shots we will have several lights plotted around the garage. There will be the already fitted stand alone light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but this is not very bright so will be used more as of a prop. Two desktop lamps will be used either sides of the set up of the band to be used as filler lighting. The main light source will be an industrial floodlight. It will be placed hanging from the ceiling so that the members of the band look more aesthetically pleasing. It will also brighten up the whole room, we can adjust the brightness using the smaller lamps to create a more gloomy atmosphere, parallel to the music.

The filming of the band at a gig, filtered stage lights used for parties and concerts will be used on the band. We will point the camera at the light source to get a whirl of bright colours, which can be edited into the more upbeat parts of the song. The lights will be moving and changing colours which will create a party atmosphere.

The filming of the narrative will use natural light and a reflector to bounce light in areas that are too dark. We aim to film on a sunny/ partly cloudy day to get the most out of the natural lighting. The lighting in the pub will already be dull, which will be juxtaposed with the supermarket shot which will be very bright creating very effective contrast that match the lyrics.

Our aim is to match the lighting to the pace and tempo of the song as best we can, as well as using different effects and techniques to entertain and surprise our audience.

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