Wednesday 5 December 2012

Editing Process (Round 1)

After our first shoot, we have decided to edit all the footage we had so far to make sense of the video at the current time. Using the apple software Final Cut Pro we were able to easily import the footage and edit with visuals and sounds. Firstly importing the song onto a new file made it easy to know where to place a clip and for how long. From the window in the top right we were able to view our clips and simply drag them into place. By clicking on the edge of a clip we were able to resize the length of a clip from start to finish. 
We knew that the song was fast paced and needed fast paced edits to match this. The performance clips were rearranged and used in various parts of the video and matched up to the song. This took a while as the timing was difficult to anticipate, but using the zoom tool we were able to locate the exact part of the song that the video matched up to. 
The screenshots below are taken from the bridge of the song where we shot the band from four angles. In Final Cut we managed to change from each different angles directly on the beat. At the end, we juxtaposed the 4 different clips faster to match the bassline. 

This is a screenshot of all our footage in place after the first shoot. We are now able to continue filming and now have a better idea of the amount of footage that needs to be filmed.

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