We printed 30 questionnaires that we devised ourselves after just finishing our design for the album front and back cover. This is are feedback for each question..
1. What are your first impressions of the album cover?
-Bright, colourful and attracts the eye.
-"It reminds me of strobe lights, seems like a party is going on"
-Very bright, simple but very effective
-Looks very unique original ideas
-Well designed, artistic and looks profressional
2. Do you think the front cover looks like an authentic album cover?
28/30 said "YES"
2/30 said "NO"
3. Do you think the back cover looks authentic?
All answered with "YES"
4. What genre of music do you think this album sleeve would be suited to?
- Indie 10
-Punk 5
-Ska 4
-Dance 3
-Alternative 2
-Reggae 2
-Rock 2
-"Heavy and Loud"
-"Somthing fast paced"
Most people said it would suit an Indie genre, but mostly uptempo genres were suggested.
5. Do you think the font matches or contrasts with the imagery?
- "Contrasts as it stands out"
-"The colours work well"
-"The simplicity of the font doesn't overpower the imagery"
-"Suits the imagery as it is simple"
"it matches and doesn't detract the impact of the imagery"
"Natural with image"
"The font makes the cover look profressional"
"The white font helps it stand out against the red"
"Too predictable"- Hipster
6. What do you like most about the covers?
-"The simplicity, yet maintaining boldness and creativity"
"Blues and reds work well"
"It draws my attention"
"It is very bright and intriguing"
"Lots of energy"
-"Blurred colours, party-like"
-"The text"