Thursday 25 October 2012

Video Inspiration

I came across this video the other day and was very inspired with the visual effects and tone of the video the directors had created. A kaliadescope effect is used, which is what we will be using in a segment in our video. Also other shots I have been inspired by is when they are in the room playing.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Annotated Lyrics- Ideas

These are the lyrics to the song, which he have noted down and annotated to help us viusualise our ideas in timing with the song. We've considered having a lot of performance shots to showcase the band as well as creating imagery that fit the lyrics. We want the lyrics to be our source of narrative. We also have ideas that will add elements of humour, and quirky ideas we feel would look visually appealing.

Location, Location, Location and props.. oh and costume

Pub, yet to be announced.
Supermarket, possibly in the fresh fruit/veg aisle OR frozen foods sector.
Garage room
Wooded Area
Street with Corner Shop
GreenFest- Local gig performance

Instruments supplied by the band
Pint glasses filled with beer
Rubbish- To make room grotty
Drumskin with Logo

Robber costume- Pair of tights over the head + bag of loot
Band costume- same costumes throughout most of the video
Girl costume- Girl clothes

Questionnaire & Feedback

We produced a questionnaire and handed them out to our class. We included questions that we thought were appropriate and would give us a good idea of what people actually thought of our ideas for the product. The results of the questionnaire showed to us that we were on track and had good ideas for the video as most people gave us positive feedback. Improvements to be made were scarce but one person said that we should possibly cut the song down as it is almost 4 minutes long and would be difficult to obtain that amount of footage. We have considered this quandary carefully but have come to the decision we will leave the song at 4 minutes, as cutting it down we feel we would lose the quality and character of the song. We will work our hardest to film within schedule.

Treatment Of Music Video

In our group we put together a powerpoint presentation to share with the class our thoughts and ideas for the music video. The powerpoint will help us visualise the video ourselves and will enable us to obtain feedback from the class.

Song Choice and Research Into Genre

Music by local band Moon Street

Song Choice- Depression Town

The genre of the song is Ska/Punk which I feel is quite unique and would be very interesting to put a video together for. Most popular Ska music comes from the likes of The Specials and Madness who were around in the 1980's. The rhythm is the most distinctive in the genre, which is usually varied.
The Punk elements are the main elements to the song though, it is mainly guitar orientated and although follows the beat of a Ska song it is driven by guitar progressions and breakdowns. The vocals fit the song very well, and interlock very well with the different stages of the song. The change of pace inspires me to want to create different and unusual visual aids. The lyrics to the song are very catchy and would be easy to make someone lip sync to.


Star Image - Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is a Canadian singer/songwriter and has his very own unique star image. In the beginning it was a combination of his boyish charm and charisma that was the focus of his image, but as he grew up his music and image matured with him. The teenage heartthrob sprung into the limelight very quickly. His initial fan base grew from creating YouTube videos at the very early age of 13 where he was writing his own songs. His songs are usually about girls and romances, which appeal to both genders; as girls feel he might be singing about them and boys may take guidance. His image first formed as a typical teenage boy uploading his songs onto the very popular video website. His videos were recorded with low quality cameras which let the teenage audience feel like it was theirs and could achieve it themselves. He was signed with the label of the well known R&B singer Usher who worked with Bieber on his debut album. This collaboration drew a vast audience for Justin's debut  single "One Time" which became an international hit, revealed on his original YouTube account. The music video for the song was very carefully constructed to convey his image for the debut single for the audience to judge him upon.
The video features typical teenage boy activities; playing computer games and texting girls. A phone call from Usher is received where Justin chats as if best friends. This was necessary in the video to gain Justin some recognition as Usher fan's would be interested in this new talent that he is commending. It appears that they are at Usher's house and Justin throws a party whilst Usher is out, a familiar stunt pulled by teenagers all over the world. The performance of the video is very important to showcase his talent. Close ups of him lip syncing and mid close ups are used to present to the audience Justin, lifting one finger in the chorus to his line "One time" which enhances the song. Justin's costume and hair are also key in creating his image, his brown "bangs" (fringe) were very much the fashion in 2009 and is the feature that audiences remembered most. His "Streetwise" clothing is cleverly perfected, the fashionable look consisting of baseball caps, hoodies, gold chains and expensive sneakers. This conventional look mimicked current R&B popstars of the time, and gained him success.

Justin released an EP "My World" which features "One Time" and various other singles that charted high in international charts. Performing on the popular american daytime television chat show "Ellen", with Ellen Degeneres, boosted his stardom as this is where audiences got to see him perform his hit and talk to Ellen. His dance moves during his performance were very Hip Hop styled, with backing dancers copying his moves. The dance moves are a key element to Justin Bieber's live performances as they give the song energy and keep the audience entertained. In the interview he charmed Ellen and a couple of fangirls came up to meet him. This sets a down to earth image of the star, and re-establishing the fact he's a average teenage boy. 

A year after "My World" was released Bieber release a full length album, with the name "My World 2.0". The idea that it follows closely with the songs on his first album and "2.0" gives it a trendy and up to date touch, with other media products using the same idea of the use of technology to keep things current. Justin collaborated with well known rapper Ludacris on his huge single "Baby". The lyrics are about a supposed love interest, but are quite tame and adolescent. The introduction of Ludacris rapping adds another element to his appeal, delving further into the R&B root of the pop genre.

A 3-D biopic/concert film was released into cinemas to accompany the release of "My World 2.0". In the film, Justin runs through his usual routine of inviting fans onstage where he serenades them and gives free tickets to other random fans. This connectivity with his fans is important for his image, as his female teenage audience believes that he is accessible and compassionate. The film boosts his appeal and shows a sensitive side to his audience. The colours used on the films posters and worn by the singer are mainly whites and purples. Purple has the connotations of ambition, the film's story revolves around Justin's drive to success, also could be seen as a fairly feminine colour so would attract a female audience. The colours are also a little more maturer.
Justin Bieber's latest album "Believe" features a much more matured and edgy style that has transformed Bieber's image. His first release "Boyfriend" is more R&B and is a definite departure from the former teen-pop genre. The most immediate change we see is Justin's change of hairstyle, a trendy and more sophisticated look. The album reveals his new found sexual maturity as well as lyrics to the songs become more risqué. The album cover uses bolder font, all in capitals. This could replicate Justin's new bold image of being more mature. The colours are warm, fire oranges and reds, that give off the sensation of heat which pertains with the content. These colours also have the connotations of desire which his lyrics coincide with. The gaze of the singers eyes looking away from the camera makes him appear mysterious as buyer would want to know what is on Justin's mind. His gaze also affairs with the idea of covetousness, a heavy theme with his new look. In concert it is plain to see that he has developed as an R&B star, as his dance moves become almost as equal importance to the singing.
The star often uses social media platforms to update to his 29 million followers on twitter of his current activities and music releases. He regularly tweets back to fans which enhances the contactable image his fans perceive. Justin Bieber will forever be able to adapt his image to fit in with current fashions of the music world. As he grows up, his image will always consider his fans who grow up with him.

Friday 12 October 2012

Analysis Of Music Video

Bloc Party- Octopus

This video is an abstract and showcase music video, using fast paced edits to enhance the beat and pace of the song. The song plays out to be a guitar based indie rock tune, with a fast strum pattern. The video reflects this strum pattern by replaying a short shot multiple times, in time with the guitar. The first five seconds of the video is a shot of the drummer bouncing along to the song, but it is being played very quietly. This works as an introduction, and gives the piece a "still in construction"style to the video. Another element that follows this theme is around two minutes into the video where members of the band individually perform in front of a green screen. The edges of the screen have not been cropped and so lights and crew members can be seen either side holding the screen taught. The beginning minute of the video focuses mainly on the band, letting them showcase the song.

Monday 8 October 2012

Analysis of Music Videos

Abstract: Arctic Monkeys- Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair

This video moves at a very quick pace, in time with the song's beat. It is an abstract piece, although it does feature the band performing the song in a large room. There are shots of the lead singer reciting the lyrics throughout the video, which glues the video together with the song.

Analysis Of Music Video

Splashh- All I Wanna Do

This music video is for the lo-fi indie rock group Splashh, the video fits into the abstract field of music videos as there is no narrative. There are elements of performance in the video, mainly of which the lead singer lip-sincs staring straight into the camera. The video relys on lo-fi vhs style edits and other techniques and effects to appeal to the audience. At the begining of the video the TV fuzz flickers with the words "Splashh" and "All I Wanna Do" waving across. The font reminds us of the 1990's where TV shows would have similar fonts.